What Does an Exterminator Do?

Exterminators, with their expertise, work diligently to rid homes and businesses of unwanted pests such as rodents, birds and insects. Their job is to identify and control these creatures by using a variety of techniques such as traps, baits and chemicals. They can also perform structural repairs to prevent pests from returning. Click the https://killianpestcontrol.com/ to learn more.

The role of an exterminator can be physically demanding as they are often required to stand or crouch for extended periods, especially when inspecting high-up areas such as attics and crawl spaces. Those working in the field are also exposed to a wide range of harmful substances and must be adequately trained in using their equipment and chemicals.

Those who work in the field will also require excellent interpersonal skills, as they must communicate effectively with their clients. They must explain their findings and recommend any necessary treatment clearly and understandably. Additionally, an exterminator will need to be able to answer questions about pests and their behavior and provide advice on how best to avoid future infestations.

One of the main problems with many exterminators is their reliance on pesticides to kill pests. This can be extremely harmful to the environment and people in the long run, as pests develop a resistance to these chemicals over time. It’s crucial to consider a more sustainable solution, such as employing a pest control professional who uses methods like Integrated Pest Management, which gets to the root of the problem rather than just killing what’s already there.


Pests destroy and contaminate property, and they can also cause diseases in humans and pets. For example, roaches spread diseases such as food poisoning and diarrhea through their waste, and mosquitoes are the carriers of Zika virus, Chikungunya, dengue, and malaria. Other harmful pests are wood-boring beetles, which weaken the structural integrity of buildings, and rodents, which gnaw through electrical wires resulting in costly repairs and loss of electricity.

Many pests feed on plants, but others damage plant tissues directly or transmit fungal diseases. For example, fungus-causing insects such as fleas, mites, and nematodes infest agricultural and horticultural crops, leading to decreased yields. These pests have been introduced accidentally or through human activities, and they often lack natural enemies.

Some pests attack paper products, such as books and cardboard boxes. Roaches and other cockroaches love to feast on stored papers, causing them to mold and tear. These paper pests may go unnoticed for long periods of time in storage areas like closets and basements. Infestations of these pests can be prevented by keeping paper products in humidity and temperature-controlled areas.

Other pests destroy and eat wood, resulting in expensive repairs or replacements. Termites, for instance, consume wood quickly, and their presence can result in serious structural damage to homes. Their swarms can also leave unsightly holes in walls and floors. Rats and mice chew wood, cardboard, fabric, and other materials to build their nests, and they gnaw electrical wires, increasing the risk of fire.

Integrated pest management (IPM) uses multiple tactics to reduce pest populations and their damage to an acceptable level. It includes preventive and corrective measures, such as the use of traps, screens, fences, barriers, radiation, and chemicals. The IPM approach tries to minimize the use of pesticides, which can lead to resistance by pests and harm surfaces and nonliving organisms in the area where they are used. Pesticides can also be a health hazard to people who touch them or breathe their vapors. The use of alternative control tactics, such as introducing beneficial insects, can help reduce the need for chemical pesticides.


Pest control is necessary to ensure that crops yield the food, fiber, and other commodities needed to sustain life. Crops are vulnerable to damage from plant diseases, nematodes, insects and other pests, which can greatly reduce or even ruin a harvest. The vast majority of dependable crop yields today are obtained through the use of disease-resistant varieties, biological controls and the application of pesticides.

Some pests directly harm humans and animals; others, such as fleas and mosquitoes, act as vectors of disease by spreading disease organisms. Cat/dog fleas are known to transmit a number of bacterial diseases, including parvovirus and hepatitis, while rat fleas spread the potentially deadly hantavirus. Mosquitoes are responsible for a host of ailments, from annoyance to serious illness such as malaria and dengue fever.

Natural enemies of pests, such as parasites and predators, often suppress pest populations to a point where they are no longer a threat to people or their property. However, there is usually a time lag between when the pest population begins to grow and when the enemies begin to increase in numbers. Supplementing natural controls with the release of biologically-enhanced pathogenic bacteria and viruses is one method of achieving pest control.

The form in which pesticides are applied, the route of entry into the body, and how long or often you are exposed to a pesticide can influence its potential effects on your health. Topical effects are those that affect the skin, with irritation and rash being common symptoms. Systemic effects are those that affect the body as a whole, with nausea, headache and intestinal problems also being possible. In advanced cases of poisoning, changes in heart rate, difficulty breathing and coma may occur.

Weather conditions can directly affect pest populations by influencing the growth and development of their host plants or by changing the environment in which they live. Water supply can be an important factor in the survival of some pests, as can availability of overwintering sites and places to hide from predators. For example, a pond or birdbath with stagnant water is an ideal place for mosquitoes to breed. To prevent this, drain puddles regularly and change the water in birdbaths at least once a week.

Human Exposure

Pests can damage buildings and crops, spread diseases, and disrupt the natural environment. In order to control pests, people use a variety of methods. Some methods are physical, while others involve chemicals. Pest control professionals may also use biological methods, such as predators and parasitoids. Pests are typically removed from areas where they don’t belong, such as homes and commercial buildings.

Pesticides are substances used to control pests, such as rodents, insects, weeds, and germs. These chemicals are designed to have a detrimental effect on the targeted organisms. However, they can also harm humans and the environment when used improperly. This can occur when pesticides are applied in the wrong places or at the wrong times, when they are not stored properly, or when they are disposed of improperly.

Most people encounter pesticides in their homes, schools, and work environments. They can come into contact with pesticides through direct skin application or inhalation, or indirectly through the consumption of food containing residues. While consuming residues of pesticides is usually not harmful, the direct application of pesticides to the body is more dangerous.

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning may include immediate or chronic effects. Immediate symptoms are usually topical and can include rashes, blisters, or burns. Chronic symptoms are less common, but can include changes in heart rate, tightness of the chest, muscle weakness and twitching, vomiting, and constricted pupils. Some pesticides can be genotoxic, meaning they can cause mutations in DNA and can lead to cancer.

There are many different ways to prevent exposure to pesticides, including limiting direct contact, using proper clothing and equipment, and disposing of pesticides correctly. People can also reduce their risk by washing and cooking food after it has been exposed to pesticides, which can decrease the levels of residue in the food.

In addition, people can avoid pesticide exposure by applying pesticides in cool weather and only when necessary. This will help limit the amount of chemical that is absorbed by their bodies, and it will also minimize the risk of accidental inhalation. It is important to only use pesticides when absolutely necessary and to follow the instructions on the label.